Creative Server Commands

  • /i <item id> <qty>
    Gives an item ID. If a quantity (qty) is given, you will be given that quantity.
  • /tpa <player name>
    Sends a TPA request to the target player.
  • /tpa accept
    Accepts a pending TPA from another player.
  • /slotload <x>
    Loads your saved inventory from slot x.
  • /slotsave <x>
    Saves your current inventory to slot x. Saving to a slot already stored will overwrite the inventory. This action is unrecoverable.
  • /cvote <day>/<night>
    Sets up a vote for day or night.
  • /cv
    Votes for the current vote in progress. A cvote requires 50% of the server population to enable the state being voted on.
  • /ammo <x>
    [broken] Will give you however much ammo you request for your currently held weapon.

My creative servers use a slots and blacklisting plugin created by me, borrowing on ideas from others. If you would like to use this plugin for your own creative servers, please feel free to do so:

You can find it here on my Github:

Official releases of my plugin will occur ONLY at my Github repository. If you bought my plugin from someone, you’re an idiot. Don’t expect support for it if you got it elsewhere.